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Past Life Regression Meditation + Journal Prompts

Past Life Regression Meditation + Journal Prompts


In this guided meditation, I gently lead you into a deep state of relaxation to uncover your past life. This regression may help you discover your karmic truths and soulmate contracts. This meditation also includes in depth journal prompts that will assist in bringing your subconscious observations to light.


Don't forget to download your materials when you check out and look out for a private meditation link will be sent to you via email.

TERMS OF USE: Upon purchase of "Spirit Sis" Past Life Regression Meditation, the purchaser agrees to the following company policies. We reserve the right to make changes to any of our policies at any time. As a user you are agreeing to these policies below.  There are no refunds or exchanges for this product. Steffi Hill ( "Spirit Sis") is neither a trained psychologist or a medical doctor. It is understood that a Past Life Regression is a self-healing modality and requires clients to be open to hypnosis. The client understands that personal results will vary and there are no expressed or implied guarantees or warranties of results. Furthermore, the client is aware that this guided meditation exercise is spiritually-based in nature and any information that comes through is coming from their soul (also known as "Higher Self," "Subconscious," "Higher Conscious,"etc.)  If the client receives information from their soul regarding any lifestyle changes or changes in their health protocols, the client takes full responsibility and will take it upon themselves to consult their healthcare provider if the client deems necessary. As a client, you acknowledge that hypnosis is a potentially powerful mental and physical regulating tool. This meditation is for entertainment purposes only. None of the information conveyed may be used for legal purposes. This is not a substitute for grief counseling or other psychological help.

COPYRIGHT: You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, enter into a database, display, perform, modify, create derivative works from, transmit or in any way exploit any part of this guided meditation or any content thereon. You further acknowledge and agree that the techniques, concepts, ideas, and processes provided, including the videos, audios, images, and writings are confidential and proprietary in nature, and all rights thereto are held exclusively by Steffi Hill. You are granted a limited license to access this meditation for personal purposes, and agree not to reproduce, share, or exploit this mediation or content based off of it in any manner.

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